Monday, August 3, 2009

Too Old

Many people have recently commented to me that adopting at "my age" must not be easy. My typical response , in my nicest tone, is "God doesn't call us to easy, He calls us to obedience." 

 Are there days I am frustrated, tired, exhausted, and at my wits end?  YES. Are these same days filled with laughter, fun, and pure silliness? YES. Would I trade my life for a luxurious vacation, a clean house, and a shirt without food on the shoulder ? No way! I am humbled in the fact He called me to this journey and grateful I was willing to step out to His call or I would have missed out on an incredible blessing of parenting "at my age"!

Don't miss a blessing He is calling you to because you feel too old (or too young)! Just be willing!