Monday, August 3, 2009

Too Old

Many people have recently commented to me that adopting at "my age" must not be easy. My typical response , in my nicest tone, is "God doesn't call us to easy, He calls us to obedience." 

 Are there days I am frustrated, tired, exhausted, and at my wits end?  YES. Are these same days filled with laughter, fun, and pure silliness? YES. Would I trade my life for a luxurious vacation, a clean house, and a shirt without food on the shoulder ? No way! I am humbled in the fact He called me to this journey and grateful I was willing to step out to His call or I would have missed out on an incredible blessing of parenting "at my age"!

Don't miss a blessing He is calling you to because you feel too old (or too young)! Just be willing!



  1. What beautiful girls...I think I looked at your blog while you were in China. We have two teenagers also and one almost teen...parenting them and a toddler just keeps us young!

  2. Thank you, Beth, for your words of wisdom and for helping us see that we are NOT too old. Until I see my Father face to face, I must keep serving Him here. I am so thankful He has called us to adopt again! I can't wait until our sweet girls can play together!

  3. Amen!
    Thank you Beth.
    I was told we were to old when we
    were going to adopt Jaden who was 19 months
    almost 3 yrs. ago.
    The Lord put this scripture on my heart.

    This is love for God: to obey His commands.
    And His commands are not burdensome.
    I John 5:3

    We have been blessed
    beyond measure with our precious baby girl.
    We are honored He has called us to bring
    home another daughter from China.
    We are so looking forward to bringing Piper
    home early Oct.(come on TA) Yes, we have
    had many comments on bringing home a
    teenager. I just ask them How old the were
    when they were adopted into His kingdom?
    We are here to serve and glorify our Father
    in heaven.

  4. Yay! A post and a picture! You made my day. Well said. And, actually, it "must be hard for you to adopt at such a young age," my Friend!!! Love you! Amy

  5. Amen. Your only as old as you think you are!! LOL We're all still young at heart if we want to be.

    Gail Jones
